Je vous annonce la sortie d’un ouvrage collectif auquel j’ai eu le plaisir de participer. Il porte sur les paysages de l’espace proche de l’enfant et réunit plusieurs articles de designers, didacticiens, pédagogies, psychologues et géographes.
L’ouvrage a été dirigé par Camilla Casonato et Bertrando Bonfantini, tous les deux enseignants en architecture et urbanisme à l’Ecole Polytechnique de Milan.
Ma collaboration porte sur le périurbain dans les albums pour enfants.
Between Flowers and Concrete. Images of the Fringes of Cities in European Children’s Picturebooks
Abstract A lot of European children’s picturebooks take place either in the city
either in the country but only a little few take the suburb as setting. One third of the European population live in this third-space which is neither the city nor the countryside. How the near absence can be interpreted? Should we see here the weight of a pictorial heritage that refuses the urban sprawl? Or, should we believe that suburb is not an inspiring place for the authors? Does an evolution exist in the European picturebooks faced with the transformation of the cities? In this chapter, through a selection of several picturebooks taking place in the suburb, we want to study the representation of the suburbs in picturebooks: what evolution? What landscapes?
What spatialities? What spatial ideology is transmitted thus to children? We would like to answer to these questions by articulating our response in three steps; the three steps of the birth of suburb in European picturebooks.
L’ouvrage est consultable à cette adresse (payante bien évidemment) :
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Christophe Meunier (3 mars 2023). Cultural Heritage Education in the Everyday Landscape. Les territoires de l'album. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse